Use Everyday Work Experiences To Grow the Skills You Need

One of the most important things about writing on and coaching in the consciousness space is being on the journey yourself. Not only is Jessica Hartung a master facilitator and coach, but she is also on this journey which makes what she is offering in this book even more valuable. When reading this, you will know that she is alongside you doing the same work and reflection that she suggests for you. This is an important book coming out at an important time in our world. We need more conscious professionals and Hartung charts the course for you.


Renelle Darr
President, InSight Coaching & Consulting

Build your leadership while you work

Author-led book clubs can be conveniently delivered globally, over Zoom, with no reduction in effectiveness from being remote.

During six, live-online sessions with the author, team members receive live mentoring on implementing new ideas in their specific environment and turning work into a learning laboratory. Teams and individuals develop increased self-awareness and learn to learn from each other.

87% of millennials say development is important in their job, yet many organizations can’t provide customized, meaningful development to their employees.

Forward-thinking professionals of all ages and all levels know that having a mindset of learning helps you to stay relevant, innovative, and creating at the top of your game. So, instead of waiting for others to provide opportunities for professional growth, you can create your own — immediately.

In The Conscious Professional, Jessica Hartung outlines the micro-identity shifts that turn work into a learning laboratory—helping to build the leadership capacity needed to solve our workplace’s and world’s most challenging problems.

Jessica’s unique approach utilizes “real-time leadership development,” using actual work challenges as the case study to grow new levels of leadership and develop ourselves personally and professionally to achieve what matters most—both on and off the job.

Written for mission-driven leaders at all levels, The Conscious Professional demonstrates how the next great change in work will not be a technological jump or an engagement initiative, but a leap in human mindfulness, self-directed development, and intentional collaboration.


If you would like to bring conscious professional development directly to your workplace, order at least ten copies of the book and receive a free Book Club Guide to help you lead meaningful conversation about applying these principles at your workplace.

If you are in a coaching or a mentoring role, sign up here for downloadable worksheets to support your clients in applying and integrating the learning.


Book Club

The Conscious Professional Implementation Book Club offers hands-on, conscious leadership development for leaders and their in-tact teams from the same organizations.

Because this group coaching is author-led, it goes way beyond just reading the book. You’ll have the opportunity to ask the author questions about how to apply what you’re reading in real-time, introducing conscious professionalism into your organization.


Over 6 sessions, we read through the book together
Group members create action-learning experiments specific to their jobs to implement new ideas
Participants get weekly implementation support
Individuals use the framing from the book to lead from where they are, making it relevant to what they’re currently dealing with in their own work and personal lives

Unlike simply reading the book, you’ll be compelled by the group and the author’s input to apply what you’re learning to your work and life in a conscious, professional way.

Best of all, after the three-month experience, your team has learned how to learn together, speak the same leadership language, and have learned to problem-solve in a whole new way.


Do you want more meaning from work?

Your career has three paychecks — The First is financial; it pays the bills. The Second Paycheck is the satisfaction that comes from doing good work. The Third Paycheck is the development and growth you take with you for the rest of your life. This book will help you grow your Third Paycheck.

Do you want to be your authentic self onthe job?

Bring who you are to what you do to feel more integrated and whole. Knowing what matters to you and aligning that with how you go about your career will create a fundamental transformation in how you think about work.

Do you want to build the skills you need to Succeed?

Communication skills, teamwork, collaboration, and project management are examples of transferable skills that you can learn in any type of organization. The most practical method to learn the skills you need is to start practicing them right where you are. You don’t need permission, a budget, or a job you love. You just work with what you’ve got. Grow as you go.

Leadership Development Activist

Jessica Hartung is on a mission to grow more ethical, effective, and self-aware leaders at work to benefit our communities, neighborhoods, and families. Twenty years ago she founded Integrated Work, a leadership development firm that builds the leaders our society needs through real-world work experiences.

She has coached hundreds of purpose-driven professionals with practical strategies to integrate who they are with what they do, helping them deliberately grow to become the leader their purpose needs.

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